Hip Replacement

Hip replacement surgery is one of the most successful interventions in medicine. The most common conditions requiring hip replacement are osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis and fractured neck of femur (hip fracture).

In 2019, over 50,000 hip replacements were performed in Australia. 96% of patients that have had hip replacement surgery would have the operation again if given their time over (J Bone & Joint Surg, 2009).

Total Hip Replacement surgery can be complicated and the anatomy of people can vary. By utilising computer navigation when planning and performing joint replacements, leading-edge technology is an integral part of hip replacement surgery.

Revision Hip Replacement

Revision Hip Replacement surgery is performed for worn-out hip replacements, fractures, loosening and infection. It is also performed following trauma. Experience in complex pelvic and acetabular surgery is essential for good outcomes in revision hip replacement. When indicated, computer navigation and patient specific implants are utilised.

Hip Fracture Surgery

The hip joint is a ball within a socket. Hip fractures involve either the top of the femur (ball) or the acetabulum (socket).

They can occur in the young population with high energy injuries (car accidents, sport) and frail elderly patients with low energy injuries (falls). Surgery is usually performed so that it enables immediate weight bearing. This facilitates a rapid return to normal function.